At least twice in the last week now has Fox News propagandist Laura Ingraham urged Republicans in Congress to do nothing about the “border crisis,” on Friday night’s show telling them “No Republican should touch this or be involved with this sham in any way, shape, or form. Let the voters sort this out in November. We don’t need a fig leaf of enforcement, we need a new president.”
Now there are plenty of voices on the left – our own readers included – that say others shouldn’t be so dismissive of MAGA rhetoric on the border because it does carry some level of potency with swing voters, that there is a kernel of truth underneath all the histrionics and bullshit. We don’t dispute that, but it becomes maybe just a little bit harder to do so when one of their own leading Mini-Goebbels just comes out and says almost literally that it’s not an actual emergency and that their party should leverage it to win an election in 10 months instead of trying to fix it now.
What else are we supposed to think here? How the fuck are we supposed to take it seriously when it obviously isn’t that serious of a problem to them? Would it not be a good thing for the House GOP to be able to say “Hey we got this, this, and this in the border deal, but obviously that isn’t enough and we’ve still got more work to do, so let’s get Trump elected and keep our majority”?