Actively assisting Kristi Noem or Elise Stefanik or whoever else’s personal agenda, Time Magazine reports that a number of “Trump Allies” don’t want South Carolina Senator Tim Scott to take the twice-impeached loser’s spot as running mate as he fails two important loyalty tests.
“Trump wants loyalty. He wants someone who was with him in the tough times when it mattered, the person who exemplifies what Donald Trump does not want is Mike Pence,” says a person whom Time describes simply as “a source close to Trump.” Since they didn’t specify that person’s role or job title like “adviser” or “campaign strategist” then it has to be one of the actual contenders trying to knock off Scott for voting to certify the 2020 election and criticizing the Orange God Emperor for his miserably fucking stupid response to the 2017 Charlottesville Tiki Torch Nazi march.
Because those are the signs that Scott is not “loyal” specified from “Trump World.”