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- Republicans got exactly what they asked for: they kowtowed to the ultra-rich, and now one of those ultra-rich used his ultra-wealth to buy the leadership of the GOP even though he was thoroughly unqualified and completely sociopathic. They keep their lips firmly attached to his ass because they made themselves reliant on his ability to raise funds from his cult to support their own political futures.
- Biden controls the debate narrative, and he baited Trump expertly. Now Trump wants to schedule a third Fox-controlled event and he’s complaining about the debates he agreed to. Even Trump doesn’t like Trump’s decisions.
- At this point, I give the Trump trial a 60% chance of ending in conviction, a 20% chance of ending in a hung jury, 12% of conviction on misdemeanor charges only, 5% complete acquittal, and 3% Other (deal struck, guilty plea for misdemeanors, juror tossed, etc.) but that may change after closing arguments.
- Fuck Alito. Fuck Thomas. And fuck John Roberts most of all. Time will ultimately correct the injustices they’ve pushed from the bench, but the divots in the Supreme Court’s legitimacy will remain forever.
- A novelist and a college football coach showed up on Monday to support a reality game show host during his political fraud trial. Conservatives must now stop saying it’s the Democrats who are enamored with celebrity.
- The NFL kicker’s commencement decree that women should aspire to be homemakers might come as a surprise to his mother, a clinical medical physicist at Emory, a position she’s held since seven years before her son’s birth.
- Stormy Daniels wore a bulletproof vest when she testified in court, and she’s thinking of leaving the country after the trial. Demonstrating the need for the gag order, Trump’s threats were so frightening and his cabal so rabid that she feels her life was and is in danger. She’s not wrong.
- Lauren Boebert is most definitely a GILFLO: a Gramma I’d Like to Fucking Leave Office.
- Trump demanding that GOP officials show up at his trial shows that Republicans are the real denizens of The Swamp supporting the establishment regardless of its malfeasance.
- Katy Tur did a great job tracking the Trump campaign as a field reporter in 2016. Unfortunately, as a host, she’s become a Bothsidesist in the Chuck Todd/Andrea Mitchell vein. (And don’t get her book: If I read one more passage about packing luggage for a trip…)
- Who’s paying for all the GOP officials to show up outside the Manhattan courtroom for Trump’s trial? It’s not part of their campaign expenses, and it damn well isn’t part of their official duties. If Trump’s campaign reimburses them or their campaigns, they are de facto agents of Trump and therefore subject to the terms of the gag order–and they should be locked up.
- It’s a sub or a hoagie. Calling it a hero is just silly. It didn’t save a life or take a bullet for anyone.
- Yes, Trump’s Manhattan case is about Trump trying to conceal multiple extramarital affairs, but ultimately it comes down to Trump being a stupidly cheap bastard. Had Trump simply written a personal check from his personal account to pay Daniels and McDougal, the payment never would have come out publicly unless someone violated the NDA.
- Rumor has it that Marge and other members of the GOP were drunk and continuing to drink during the committee hearing that devolved into chaos. That should merit public censure for dereliction and bringing disgrace to the House. But Republicans won’t because (1) Mike Johnson has no backbone and (2) Marge rules by bullying and see #1.
- Donald Trump is Archie Bunker in poorly-tailored suits, or vice versa. Either works.
- There’s a beauty pageant crisis: the reigning Miss USA and Miss Teen USA both resigned their titles, citing various stresses, overwork and exploitation, and declaring they’re putting their mental health first. Good for them. Can we get rid of these idiotic contests now?
- Baking is therapy with benefits.