The organizers of a far right campaign to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom, again, declared moral victory on Tuesday after the deadline for them to turn in the petition with the required 1.3 million signatures to initiate a statewide recall election came and went, the Sacramento Bee reports.
The group, Rescue California, turned in 0 signatures. "We're not turning in any," said Anne Hyde Dunsmore, chief petitioner with the campaign, on Tuesday. "The process is time consuming and we felt that we had done what we needed to do." Dunsmore claimed her group's focus shifted to keeping Newsom out of the White House. "When you read about Gavin Newsom today, he is termed as irrelevant and that's a victory. He is not on a track to the White House. That's a victory. He is now having to fix the problems he's created. That's a victory," she continued. Jesus Christ, lol.