Six alleged victims of Sound of Freedom asshole Tim Ballard's rapey coercion scheme have filed a lawsuit alleging his ruses to get them to pretend to be his wives/girlfriends during his undercover sex trafficking stings were themselves violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act because Ballard was laundering money to support it, Fox 13 Utah reports.
"Ballard and [Operation Underground Railroad] engaged in human trafficking and exploitation of women under the guise of humanitarian anti-trafficking operations," attorneys for the women exploited by Ballard wrote in a statement to media. "Instead of rescuing women and children from trafficking, these defendants used their positions of trust to exploit and abuse and traffic women."
Ballard, the anti-sex-trafficking activist and real-life inspiration for 2023 QAnon fan-favorite film Sound of Freedom, starring adrenochrome freak Jim Caviezel, is already accused in at least one other lawsuit of coercing Mormon housewives into sex acts when they volunteered to pose as his wife when going "undercover" on trips to third-world countries to meet with slavers and "liberate" victims. The scandal has led to the downfall of Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, who was listed as a producer for the film and wrote himself a scene for the unlikely-to-be-made sequel.