In a piece detailing the very near total collapse of convicted felon former President Trump's campaign in August and September The Atlantic's Tim Alberta writes that the "normies" on Team Orange were desperate to get the fat bastard to cut racist psychopath conspiracy freak Laura Loomer loose after she travelled with his team to the disastrous debate in Atlanta and then to the September 11th memorial ceremony at the World Trade Center site in Manhattan. Not even correctly pointing out to Donald that Loomer had called 9/11 an inside job would sway him. What did finally get Trump to cave however was an aide telling him that Loomer had facial plastic surgery work done.
"What sealed Loomer's fate, according to two people who were part of these conversations, wasn't just her racist diatribes but also her appearance: Trump, who is generally appalled by plastic surgery, was disgusted to learn the apparent extent of Loomer's facial alterations," Alberta writes.
After that campaign co-chair Susie Wiles sat down with Trump, telling him flat out he was going to lose if he didn't get his shit together – and cut Corey Lewandowski loose too. Not coincidentally, at the same time the woman-abusing shitbag's palace coup attempt was coming very close to succeeding and Alberta seems to hint that Corey was not at all wrong about serious graft and waste going on inside the campaign under Wiles and other co-chair Chris LaCivita. Yet the two were able to convince Trump to exile Lewandowski by selling him on more discipline as the path to winning.
And it worked for a time, until Lewandowski planted a story in the Daily Beast last month about LaCivita's graft and Trump kicked him off the campaign plane. "Trump was still beside himself a day later, ranting about the article and telling friends he'd fire LaCivita – and possibly his entire team – if it weren't for the PR hit that would cause just weeks out from Election Day," Alberta writes.
LaCivita was able to make amends and allay Trump's suspicions to an extent, but then a week later CNN reported about his tweets from January 6th, 2021… And now he's dead to Donald.
"Entering the final weekend of October, I noticed something in conversations with numerous Trump staffers: resignation. They had long since become accustomed to working in the high-intensity, zero-margin-for-error environment created by Wiles and LaCivita," Alberta writes, before going into a coda on the Madison Square Garden rally shitshow and the internal angst about the enforced error falling on shitbag middle manager Alex Brusewitz and then higher-level middle manager Justin Caporale for greenlighting Tony Hinchcliffe's addition to the lineup. Donald himself was "merely annoyed" at first, but the next day he watched the TV coverage and realized that Wiles, LaCivita, and Caporale had "fucked this up." Even Stephen Miller was pissed at Brusewitz, saying "If we can't trust this kid with a campaign, how can we trust him in the White House?"
Trump defends his Madison Square Garden rally where speakers spewed racism and called Puerto Rico "a floating island of garbage": "There was love and it was a great time… He mentioned Puerto Rico"
- Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) November 2, 2024
And, as illustrated in the above clip from this morning with the fat fuck refusing yet again an opportunity to disavow Hinchcliffe, the fish rots from the head and there's only so much the small faction of "normies" can do here. Alberta writes that "Miller, the Trump policy adviser whose own nativist impulses are well documented, was not offended by Hinchcliffe's racist jokes. Yet he was angered by them all the same: He knew the campaign had just committed a huge unforced error. He believed that Bruesewitz had done profound damage to Trump's electoral prospects. And, in that moment, he seethed at what this lack of discipline portended for Trump should he return to power."
"He and his colleagues would spend the coming days savaging Bruesewitz for his recklessness when really, as ever, the culprit was a man whose addiction to mayhem creates the conditions in which a comedian who was once dropped by his talent agency for using racial slurs onstage could be invited to kick off the closing event of the election without a single objection being raised."
Hell of a way to end a stretch that began – as did Alberta's piece – with Wiles and LaCivita successfully talking Trump out of publicly calling the current president "Retarded Joe."