“How are giving American job away to foreigners MAGA? This is NOT what you promised!! Why do companies push for more H-1B visas? The answer lies in cost and control. Workers on these visas are often bound to their employers, unable to freely switch jobs without jeopardizing their immigration status. Critics liken this to a form of ‘indentured servitude,’ where corporations benefit from both the labor and the reduced bargaining power of these employees. MAGA not India, China, Africa, Mexico or anywhere else!!!!” – Top comment on the Breitbart’s story “President-Elect Donald Trump: I Have Always Been in Favor of H-1B Visas,” posted on Saturday afternoon.
As noted in prior “MAGA Land” article-ish posts here: It doesn’t matter whether this is a lib troll infiltrating a right wing website. If you got the most upvotes then your opinion resonated the most with the “vox populi, vox dei” of the schmucks that read that dogshit site. These fuckers are legitimately pissed at their Orange God Emperor for selling them out to “globalism.”