Two stories in Politico printed on Thursday find some of them farm boys more than a little afraid of testing both Don and Ron, even as both threaten their livelihoods with their autocratic fuckery.
Under the headline “Trump dumped these farmers’ water. They’d rather not talk about it,” Politico quotes from Zach Stuller, a California citrus and almond farmer, who doesn’t want to speak up too much about the catastrophe the fat fuck nearly caused last week when he ordered two Central Valley reservoirs emptied for no reason at all other than to show he’s in charge – also threatening supplies for the summer growing season. Stuller said it “definitely was a little nerve-wracking for a while,” but “I’m a farmer. I have a conservative mindset. I encourage the trigger-pulling attitude, like, ‘Hey, let’s just get stuff done.'” Lol. No other farmers were directly quoted in the piece.
Meanwhile in Florida, there’s “Facing fire from DeSantis, agriculture says it doesn’t rely on undocumented foreign workers,” as the heels-wearing little bastard is turning up the heat on his state’s farm industry’s “affinity for cheap, illegal foreign labor” by rejecting a plan by the state legislature to name the state Agriculture Commissioner – not a gubernatorial appointee, but a separately elected office – as Florida’s top immigration official. Pretty freaking creative plan by the lobbyists, but not creative enough to get past Napoleon’s veto pen. “We’re not really taking on the governor – that’s not the position,” said Republican former legislator and current farmer Rick Roth, antsy for lip service to America First while employing illegals. “The position is do we want a user-friendly immigration system? The answer is yes. We’re not sure the governor is going to give it to us.”