America is like a third world country under the failed and feckless “leadership” of fat fuck President Trump just over three weeks into his second administration. Nowhere is this more apparent than the egg crisis that has only gotten worse while he and Elon Musk jerk each other off with their administrative purges that mean nothing to the Arizona voter who said “I like Trump because he’s like good at business and will get us a new economy after all this crazy inflation and shit, fam.”
In the latest escalation of this crisis, NPR reports that grocery chains Kroger and Trader Joe’s are limiting purchases of cartons of eggs to one or two max per customer – and the Orange Caligula has done nothing about it, let alone the insane price of $4.95/dozen on average nationally. Instead he dicks around with renaming the Gulf of Mexico as if working families give a fuck.
“We hope these limits will help to ensure that as many of our customers who need eggs are able to purchase them when they visit Trader Joe’s,” the grocer said in a statement. “The rule could be lifted when there are no issues on the supply.” Kroger meanwhile said the limits are not nation-wide yet, but in certain divisions at “two dozen per customer, per trip.” Total bummer, eh fam?