The “malicious compliance” line is how wife-beater sado-torture fetishist Sean Parnell explains why web pages about Jackie Robinson’s service in the US Army was removed from the Pentagon’s website, which basically means that if the remit was to remove content that highlights the contributions of anyone other than white heterosexual men from the history of the US military then the removal of pics of the Enola Gay was sabotage by a troll intent on making the Reich look fucking stupid and childish with their anti-“DEI” crusade. Whether or not whoever removed Jackie Robinson, Enola Gay, and other content from the sites was doing so “maliciously” is kind of besides the point because the result is the same and requires this astonishingly mind-boggling batshit spin.
So yeah, that’s where we’re at right now. The natural endpoint of this Maoist purge becomes the pretext of a claim that it’s being thwarted by the subterfuge of “woke” fifth columnists.