
“What Trump says may or may not be strictly accurate, but it points to a larger truth,” writes right wing nerd excusing latest batfuckery

The old “Trump speaks to a larger truth [when he makes up about this or that fucking nonsense]” is a particularly time-honored vintage of explaining (or excusing) why the fat bastard’s cultists still worship him despite his outright lies to them over the years. From a 2018 New York Times news analysis of his non-stop bullshit: “Advisers say privately that Mr Trump may not always be precise but is speaking a larger truth that many Americans understand. Flyspecking, tut-tutting critics in the news media, they say, fail to grasp the connection he has with a section of the country that feels profoundly misled by a self-serving establishment. To them, the particular facts do not matter as much as this deeper truth.” Further down the Times mentions how Trump himself – really more likely his ghostwriter – coined it as “truthful hyperbole” in his shitty 1992 book “The Art of The Deal.”

A December 2020 Atlantic piece also picks up a tweet by reformed ex-MAGA political consultant Matt Sheffield, who wrote “Truth for conservative journalists is anything that harms ‘the left.’ It doesn’t even have to be a fact. Trump’s numerous lies about any subject under the sun are thus justified because his deceptions point to a larger truth: that liberals are evil.”

So it’s not like we just made it up from whole cloth in our September piece about Trump repeating his stupid “you need to show ID to buy groceries” line, writing, emphasis added, “Not even the most dull and obtuse of Trump fans hear that and say ‘My God, he’s right. I get carded for Lucky Charms all the time. We need national voter ID now!’ If they even acknowledge that he said it at all it’s just ‘Well President Trump is exaggerating to speak to a larger truth about the need for election integrity’ and other such self-debasing excuses we’ve come to know and hate from the MAGA worms.” Same last June on Trump’s deranged “secret fentanyl deal with Xi” when we wrote that the “cynical Trump fanboys who admit he’s full of shit always say there’s some ‘greater truth’ behind the lies.”

That we’ve already trodden this ground doesn’t really take the edge off though when we see some “intellectual” Trumpsters deploying that old chestnut so openly and unironically like conservative nerd Power Line Blog founder John Hinderaker did on Sunday when he tried to square his Orange God Emperor’s similarly premised fantasy story about Biden purposely letting illegal aliens into the country and mass registering them to vote for Democrats in the 2024 election.

“It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the ‘Crazed’ Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. They are signing them up at a rapid pace, without even knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now. Republicans better wake up and do something, before it is too late. Are you listening Mitch McConnell?” Trump wrote early Saturday and then again later on.

Which is fucking stupid but for some reason Hinderaker – whose bio says he’s a Dartmouth BA and Harvard JD, practiced law for 41 years – decided to tackle it for his readers, emphasis added:

Those posts are classic Trump. Who else in our political history – at least since the first half of the 19th century – has talked that way? No one. But what about Trump’s specific claim that Biden has allowed millions of illegal aliens into the country so they can vote next November? It has caused a predictable amount of pearl-clutching on the Left. But will it really happen?

No doubt some of them will vote. Ballot integrity varies widely from state to state. In some states, illegal immigrants can get driver’s licenses, and it is not clear that there are any safeguards in place to prevent them from voting. In other states, like my home state of Minnesota, for example, there are essentially no election safeguards. Anyone who shows up at a polling place and is vouched for as a resident by a Democratic Party volunteer can vote. If it turns out after the fact that he was not a legal voter, too bad: his vote has already been counted.

But as so often happens, what Trump says may or may not be strictly accurate, but it points to a larger truth. Why are Democrats so eager to admit millions of illegal aliens? Why do they take the political risk associated with an unpopular policy? I think the only plausible answer is that they believe they are enlarging the pool of Democratic Party voters.

That “larger truth?” (emphasis ours again)

Why are Democrats so eager to admit millions of illegal aliens? Why do they take the political risk associated with an unpopular policy? I think the only plausible answer is that they believe they are enlarging the pool of Democratic Party voters. Not necessarily in 2024 – the Democrats are good at playing the long game – but for a generation yet to come. As the illegals become entrenched and sign up for government benefits, as they have children who become anchor babies, and as election laws and practices continue to loosen, Democrats reasonably believe that the millions they are illegally admitting now, will bear great fruit in elections to come, in the form of votes both legal and illegal.

Illegal votes cast next November are, I suspect, only a bonus.

Which, well shit, that’s like more or less exactly what we fucking wrote a day earlier, the only difference being that we framed it as Trump just compressing the timeline in “replacement theory”:

It takes at least 18 years for the naturally born child of illegal immigrants to become a voter. That’s a lot of time, which for the replacement theorist assholes requires some degree of circumspection to sell it as a generational, long-game thing. A ‘demographic time bomb’ set to demolish conservative white political power in the coming decades that, if not the product of an actual overt strategy by Soros and other liberal elites, is good enough to explain why Democrats don’t really care that much about the border relative to Republicans.

This isn’t like the times over recent months when right wing radio assclown Hugh Hewitt and then Trump “stole” our jokes and repeated them as non-jokes, which felt like they were simply ruining good material that had been inspired by their bullshit. Mainly because, as we said, the “larger truth” line long pre-dated National Zero and we were using it for sarcastic asides rather than full-on satire.

Still can’t help but feel more frustration than validation seeing shit that we wrote unknowingly repurposed into a defense of the fat bastard. Is this how badly internalized the MAGA sophistry is that we can reflexively anticipate how they’re going to react with such specificity? Fuck.

And just this morning once again Trump posted “The Invasion through our Southern Border is for purposes of voting in the 2020 Election. They are signing people up. Would be the END OF AMERICA. MAGA!” and “GET SMART REPUBLICANS!” We’ll see how many times he’s going to revisit it but thrice in one week probably portends this being a regular “campaign theme” going forward.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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