Experts on urine tell CNN it’s mostly okay to piss in the shower, as it’s unlikely to cause any health hazards. “There’s no downside, and it is just convenient for some people,” Dr Karyn Eilber, a professor of urology at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, told the mainstream media network, adding “It’s really personal preference that people don’t like to associate a place where you clean yourself in the shower to a place where you also do some elimination.” Eilber did not share her personal preference.
Peeing in the shower is also “not likely to clog up the drain,” per CNN. What the actual fuck, lol.
“In a warm shower, it’s very easy for you just to relax and let the urine come out,” said New York City urologist Dr David Shusterman, addressing a misconception that for women it might cause pelvic straining. “Contrary to claims of urinating in the shower being unhealthy, I think it’s actually healthy.”
The article, by “freelance health and science journalist” Jocelyn Solis-Moreira goes on for quite some length, ending in a section with “Avoid urination in baths and hot tubs” bolded at the top, and warning that “Peeing in the shower may not be bad, but that’s not the case for baths and hot tubs. Shusterman said warm, stagnant water is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. It raises the risk of bacteria entering your urethra when sitting in the tub.” Unmentioned maybe it’s just weird to want to bathe in your own piss. Also absent from the article is any sort of social aspect to this, that others might not appreciate you pissing in the shower if you’re at the gym or some other communal setting.