“At Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City (Blue KC), we are committed to the health and wellness of our members. Two of our primary responsibilities are to safeguard our members’ health information and protect their privacy. Because of this, we cannot talk about the specifics of this, or any other, case. In general, Blue KC offers multiple insurance plans at various price points, allowing members to choose what works best for their circumstances and budgets. Differences in plans can include things such as smaller or larger provider networks (how many medical providers are in network for the plan), prescription drug coverage (some plans only include coverage for generic medications), and higher or lower copays and/or deductibles” and blah blah blah, says Blue Cross and Blue Shield in a statement responding to a request for comment from Fox 4 Kansas City.
Funny that, because the subject of Fox 4’s article, 23 year-old University of Kansas first year medical student Kaitlin Sy, was more than willing to share the details of the life-threatening internal bleeding disorder she suffers from and the topic of the article was how “Blue KC” told her “lol, no” when she put in a claim for medication that costing her $8,000/month out of pocket. So really Fox 4 wasn’t asking the folks at “Blue KC” anything whatsoever about her personal health situation, they were asking them why the fuck they would let a 23 year-old future physician die for being too poor.
Forget even the context of Luigi Mangione getting famous – which, rest assured, is mentioned in the story – and the fact that this article would be far less likely to have been printed and picked up by us if not for him (admittedly), who the fuck at “Blue KC” made this decision knowing Sy’s current career path? Like wouldn’t it just maaaaaybe be prudent to consider her a loss-leader, that if she had a positive experience with them despite not having the diamond plan that it might pay off for them a few years down the road, that they could have a woman on the inside? For a bunch of avaricious nihilists they sure seem pretty fucking incompetent at being forwardly avaricious and nihilistic.