“We write to you concerning the reported firing of Inspectors General from 18 offices. Congress was not provided the legally required 30-day notice and case-specific reasons for removal, as required by law. Accordingly, we request that you provide that information immediately.”
“On December 23, 2022, the ‘James M Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023’ was signed into law and included provisions from the Securing Inspector General Independence Act, which was introduced by a bipartisan group of members. Those provisions require that the President ‘shall’ communicate to Congress in writing 30 days before removing or transferring an IG from office the ‘substantive rationale, including detailed and case-specific reasons’ for the removal or transfer. The law also prohibits an IG from being placed on non-duty status during the 30-day period preceding the date of removal or transfer unless the continued presence of the Inspector General in the workplace poses a threat as described by requirements in the Administrative Leave Act and the President submits a report to Congress. While IGs aren’t immune from committing acts requiring their removal, and they can be removed by the president, the law must be followed. The communication to Congress must contain more than just broad and vague statements, rather it must include sufficient facts and details to assure Congress and the public that the termination is due to real concerns about the Inspector General’s ability to carry out their mission,'” write Senators Charles Grassley and Dick Durbin in a letter to the Orange Pharaoh.