“Hungary’s government is taking decisive action to curb unjustified price increases on essential food items. Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced on Tuesday via a video on his social media platform that the government will introduce a price cap to ensure affordability and protect consumers.”
“Orban revealed that recent discussions with representatives of major retail chains failed to yield satisfactory solutions. ‘Unfortunately, the offers from retailers fell far short of our expectations,’ Orban stated. ‘Therefore, we have decided to implement measures targeting the retail sector.’ From mid-March, the profit margin on 30 key food items will be limited to a maximum of 10 per cent,” says an article by what appears to be a state media outlet called the Hungarian Conservative.
Wait, if inflation was Joe Biden’s fault then why is it a thing in Hungary? And what kind of real conservative nationalist strongman, lauded as “the only elected leader on the face of the earth who publicly identifies as a Western-style conservative,” makes a weak communist pussy move like price controls? Lastly, but least importantly, what the hell do they mean by “his social media platform”? If this was just a bad translation job by state media then fine. Otherwise it sure sounds like Orban has his own Hungarian version of Truth Social, engineered by Moscow’s finest software developers too.