Russian historian Yuri Dmitriev, convicted of sexually assaulting his adopted daughter, was sentenced by a court to an additional two years in prison on top of the ten extra years he got slapped with just weeks prior to what had been his scheduled release in 2020, Reuters reports.
The rest of this is just too fucking sad to make “Critical Race Theory” jokes about. Dmitriev became a target of the state after he exposed mass graves of people executed by the Stalin regime in the 1930s, and in 2015 used his then eight-year-old foster daughter, a girl he adopted from Russia’s notoriously awful orphanage system, to go after him. First in 2018, Dmitriev was acquitted of producing child pornography for taking pictures of the girl naked to document her recovery from malnourishment – pics he and his wife took and gave to a doctor. Later than year Dmitriev was arrested again, this time on charges of sexually assaulting the girl – for checking if she had peed her pants. The whole case is garbage and just one more example of what these animals will do to people just for digging up uncomfortable truths about a regime that doesn’t even exist anymore.