Dem-aligned watchdog group Congressional Integrity Project on Wednesday told the Washington Examiner they’re launching a six-figure ad campaign aimed at pressuring House Oversight Chairman James Comer to take some time to investigate the Trump family too – specifically Jared and Ivanka – if he’s so interested in pursuing allegations of corruption by presidential relatives.
“It has been over a hundred days since Comer said his committee would investigate the Trump family, and they have been radio silent on announcing hearings or sending letters requesting information. If Comer actually cared about potential influence peddling and corruption, he would be investigating how Ivanka, Don Jr, Eric, and Jared Kushner profited off their time in the White House instead of these baseless political stunts,” CIP director Kyle Herrig to the Examiner, adding “Comer would rather use his time to hold conspiracy theory-filled hearings and go on Fox News and Newsmax than hold these investigations that are all teed up for him.”