“Take a look at this photo right here,” Trump advisor and former radio deejay Sean Hannity demands. “Look at that photo from his phone that the government, prosecutors claim show lines of cocaine. That’s what the government prosecutors are saying. They’re saying that’s sawdust. Take a good look at sawdust lined up in perfect little lines. Take a close look. Does that look like sawdust to you.”
Yes. Yes, Sean, it looks exactly like sawdust. And yes, people can put little things in line that *look* like cocaine–as any teenager with a sugar dispenser after watching too much Miami Vice in the 1980s could tell you–but that doesn’t make that big tan clumps lined up or scattered on a table saw in a home shop enough cocaine to power Tony Montana. (What I really love, though, is the obvious hesitation in Hannity’s voice when he looks down at the monitor and his little brain tells him, “Yo, doofus, that *does* look like sawdust.”)