Lawyers for former crackhead turned halfway decent painter Hunter Biden tell the Daily Beast they’ll be filing a massive defmation lawsuit against Fox News “shortly.” On what grounds exactly was not made clear but there’s no shortage of bullshit to drag them over, given their obsession.
“Everybody that has ever thought about bringing a defamation suit is always told they’re just going to spend any legal proceeding defaming you all over again,” Hunter told the Beast, adding “It’s not like I’m going to reignite some controversy over whether or not I ever smoked crack.” Hunter also vowed that the discovery phase would make the multitude of embarrassing revelations against the right wing propaganda network from the Dominion lawsuit look like “pattycakes” in comparison.
Underestimate him at your peril fanboys. Hunter’s main lawyer Abbe Lowell has put on a fucking masterclass against the feckless dickbags James Comer and Jim Jordan. It was almost unfair how badly Lowell embarrassed them again and again and again before they essentially dropped their impeachment inquiry altogether. Mentions of the First Son on Fox News had already been cratering by the time he threatened them late last month and while we don’t have any more recent data than what Media Matters put together a few days prior to the threat on April 25th, we suspect it’s essentially zero. That this new threat (or warning, really) of litigation comes just weeks before Hunter’s gun charges trial begins also seems very unlikely to be a coincidence and meant to scare Fox’s production team into playing their coverage of it as straight and minimally as possible.