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- A man with 34 financial fraud felonies had a record fundraising day for his GOP presidential campaign on the day of his conviction, and that’s all you need to know about the state of the Republican Party.
- I move to impeach Clarence Thomas now. His corruption is clear, as is his disdain for professional ethics. I know it will never get out of a committee–hell, it won’t even get a hearing–but it will make news, which is what Democrats need this election season. Do it on a Friday and make it the focus of the weekend talk show cycle. Highlight the corruption on the court, and make Clarence and Ginni Thomas the faces of it.
- It’s true: the law applies to everyone. Just look at what they’re doing to Justin Timberlake. Or… wait… Is he a victim of the criminal Marxist Deep State? I’m so confused.
- Republicans know Trump isn’t capable of beating Biden in a one-on-one policy debate; it’s why they’re already propagating the “Joe on Juice” shit. Assuming the moderators cut mics like they say they can, Biden wins on discussing policy every day. And Trump will get none of his sought-after feedback from an empty studio.
- Clearly, Joe Biden is on PEDs: Poll Enhancing Deeds. Passing legislation like the Infrastructure Bill and the PACT Act–along with his immigration-related executive orders done because of Congressional GOP politically-based obstruction–makes Trump’s record in office look like nothing. Well, that’s mainly because Trump did nothing good to remember.
- I got to see Willie Mays play in an Old Timers game in Philadelphia a few years after he retired. In his mid-40s, he chased down a Del Ennis fly ball in the vast centerfield at the Vet and made an over-the-shoulder catch so similar to the famous filmed one, I really thought they rehearsed it.
- Joe Biden is a person. Donald Trump is a brand. Americans want authenticity, not a mirage.
- Trump’s endorsement of Larry Hogan just lost the Maryland seat for the GOP. Trump lost the state by 30 points; he probably endorsed Hogan knowing Hogan is an eternal never-Trumper and Maryland is a never-Trumper state, so he knew his endorsement would sink Hogan. Trump is just that spiteful.
- Jamie Raskin’s reaction to Jasmine Crockett’s “bleach blonde bad built butch body” response is what makes that video.
- Joe Biden isn’t going through debate prep; he’s going to an insult comic boot camp. He’s testing the best comebacks for various Trump lies and exaggerations. Joe’s gotta counter Trump’s insults, but not sway too far from being the adult in the room.
- Without a doubt, Trump knew the conservative Supreme Court would overturn the bump stock ban. He could sign it into law knowing the NRA’s money would buy a reversal. That’s how justice works in a Republican world.
- Don’t be a poser: if you’re going to put a glass of wine up to your nose to smell it, put your nose in the glass–like, all the way in the glass. You don’t get the aroma above the rim; the glass is designed to trap it in the bowl.
- When I see Vladimir Putin cozying up to Kim Jong-un, I see two underpowered bullies trying to join forces to maintain their respective positions. Putin needs Kim’s ammo and Kim needs Putin’s rubles.
- Surgeon General’s warnings on cigarette packs didn’t get a single kid to stop smoking. Age restrictions were a part of it, yes, but not having role models smoke was the first step. Not having it ubiquitous reduced the desire to smoke. Publicly using social media–or your phone in general–does not yet have the shame level cigarette smoking does.
- With a third of Americans under temperature warnings this weekend, remember to increase water intake. Stay cool. Pull out the blender and make your favorite shake, smoothie, or boat drink. And treat your pets the same, except maybe the boat drinks. Doggy brain freeze is real.
- A future Democratic-led Congress should update the mission of the Judicial Conference to independently review judicial ethical issues on the Supreme Court. It already has subpoena power, so it can form a standing committee on maintaining “the appearance of impropriety” on the Supreme Court. Independent of the Supreme Court, the Conference could issue a non-binding decision that can reassure the public of SCOTUS’s neutrality–or reinforce its suspicions about the High Court.
- After learning we had an unused hammock chair packed away in the garage and chiding me for hiding such a treasure, Mrs. Jack decided she would erect it so she could spend her summer break in it, in the backyard paging through innumerable books. I believe she’s on her third title already, and she couldn’t be happier.