A St Petersburg musician was de-windowed on Wednesday while cops searched his 10th floor apartment as part of an investigation into VK posts criticizing dictator Vladimir Putin, the Moscow Times reports. The Times is an exile-run indie outlet based in Amsterdam and blocked inside Russia.
Vadim Stroykin, 59, “was last seen alive on the 10th floor when he stepped out into the kitchen to drink water,” the Times quotes from regime-friendly news sources, which say Stroykin then “hastily opened the window and committed the irreversible act,” of self-de-windowing. It’s not clear why in the “official” version of events that the police needed to be already present in the apartment for Stroykin to have flung himself out of a 10th story window, like they couldn’t just stage it and then made it look like they were quickly responding to the scene of a tragic “suicide.”