“On March 4th, 2025, a Lee County Sheriff Deputy went to the residence of 2219 Valley Road to serve an active order for arrest on Jessica Nicole Jones (37). Upon pulling into the driveway, the Deputy observed Jones lose no time as she dashed into the residence. Samantha Michelle Goins (an occupant in the residence) falsely told the Deputy that Jones was not inside of the residence and attempted to keep Deputies from entering. Deputies entered the residence and noticed a refrigerator had been moved to obstruct a door that led to the garage area. Once inside of the garage, Deputies located Jones hiding in a pile of clothes and placed her into custody.”
“Jones was taken before a Lee County Magistrate and issued no bond. Deputies also placed Goins (32) into custody for resist, delay, obstruct, and harboring a fugitive. Goins was taken before a Lee County Magistrate and given a $2500.00 bond,” says a Facebook post from the Lee County, North Carolina Sheriff’s Office. It’s not clear what crime Jones was wanted for. Probably something drugs.