MAGA Michigan state Representative Josh Schriver, a pro-child marriage far right racist zoomer constantly in trouble with his superiors, is taking things a few steps further than the intrusive online age verification laws imposed by Republicans in other states and working hard on slapping together a bill outlawing pornography in the Great Lakes State, the Detroit News reports.
Schriver’s still got some kinks (no pun intended) to work out of the plan, namely how such a prohibition would actually work in practice. “Is that something you guys are equipped to enforce?” Schriver asked Michigan State Police Detective Lt Jeff Hoffman during a Tuesday hearing of the House Communications and Technology Committee. Hoffamn said state troopers do “not enforce the internet,” but MSP’s involvement “would depend on the bill.” So no, Hoffman was not looking forward to having to stop vehicles with out-of-state plates to see if issues of “Buttlovers XXL” or DVDs titled “Karate Fist Fest 9” are stashed in the trunk, to say nothing of the internet and VPNs.
Asked how it’d work, Schriver said simply “In the same way child porn is rightfully illegal, all porn shall be so.” Luckily for Michigan masturbators this has approximately zero chance of passing.