With tens of thousands of people suffering without electricity thanks to a crappy power grid, Texas continues its descent into third-world state as 250 residents caused a melee over food being thrown out by an Austin grocery store, CNN reports.
People descended on the dumpsters behind a H-E-B Grocery store after someone posted “free food” was available at the supermarket. The food, in fact, had spoiled because of the power outage caused by the winter storm that the Texas power grid couldn’t handle. The spoiled food filled two dumpsters and at least a dozen shopping carts.
As rumor of the free food spread online, cars lined up and caused gridlock in the neighborhood. Police responded to find hundreds of people fighting and battling each other for the goods. Police and grocery store company officials warn the people who took the food to throw it away because it is unfit for consumption given how long it went without refrigeration. But, yehaw, Texans, do what you want as you battle to become New Florida.