Because they’re most definitely the Party of respecting the law and not weaponizing their government power, the Republicans who control the Alabama government have refused to follow a US Supreme Court order to redraw their Congressional map to flip one of the white-majority districts to one with a Black-majority influence, NBC News reports.
In a surprise 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court ordered the Alabama legislation to submit a new map with two Black-majority districts by Friday. Instead of following the Court’s order, the Republican-dominated legislature’s new map has one Black-majority district and one with a 40% Black population.
According to Republican state House Speaker Nathan Ledbetter, state GOP legislators were peppered with calls from the state’s GOP Congressional delegation about the Court order, although he did not acknowledge that the Congressmen urged them to maintain their gerrymandered advantages. Speaker pro tem Kevin McCarthy also called, Ledbetter said, perhaps because he’s scared he’ll lose another seat. And Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville, arguably the dumbest person in the Senate, also called Thursday; his office said he voiced his surprise at the Supreme Court decision, but more likely he was worried he would lose his seat after the maps were redrawn, something that would not impact a state-wide election for US Senator.