Contrasting herself with her feckless and nauseatingly weak successor, former House Speaker and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi tells NBC’s Lester Holt about how she resisted pressure to impeach George W Bush over the Iraq War the first time she won the gavel in 2007 when she could have.
What she’s leaving out by calling it a “policy matter” is that the circumstances were different in that Bush was already in his second term, Republicans had gotten absolutely destroyed in the midterms, and either Obama or Hillary were going to crush the GOP nominee in 2008, so there wasn’t much of a point in pursuing a removal – especially after Bush had already fired Donald Rumsfeld and the attacks on American troops had largely subsided. So agree or disagree with the decision, it was a different time. Bush was a lame duck but probably wouldn’t have been removed, so there wasn’t much point in trying to remove him only to then have to try the same with Dick Cheney.