The obese orange moron elected and beloved by uneducated white trash Red Staters as a living God used the classified government documents he had stolen from the White House after losing the 2020 election as scrap paper to write to-do lists that he gave to his personal assistant at Mar-a-Lago, ABC News reports citing details of Trump aide Molly Michael’s grand jury testimony.
Michael testified that she had kept a stack of these top secret documents with the to-do lists written on them in her desk at Mar-a-Lago. These were missed in the August 2022 FBI raid on the property, but Michael handed them over after she found them. Michael also testified that when Trump found out she had been subpoenaed he told her “You don’t know anything about the boxes.”
When asked to comment for the story, a Trump spokesworm bitched to ABC about “illegal leaks” that “lack proper context and relevant information… President Trump did nothing wrong, has always insisted on truth and transparency, and acted in a proper manner, according to the law.”