Andrew Feinberg: “In must-win states like Arizona, Florida, and Texas, Trump’s re-election campaign has put significant effort into engaging with Latin American voters, and has seen that effort rewarded with strong poll numbers especially among Florida-based Latinos. But veterans of Florida politics and Latino political outreach say Trump very well may have undone all that effort, and given those voters who were on the fence between him and Biden a reason to cast their lot with the Democrat in 40 days. ‘This is one of those statements that, for voters who are still open to both candidates, could really be a difference maker,’ said ex-Florida GOP Rep Carlos Curbelo.”
“Curbelo, the Miami-born son of Cuban exiles, opined that Trump’s vow to ‘get rid of the ballots’ would not play well with Latin American voters whose families fled places where leaders did exactly that. ‘The people who will decide the election are still movable a few weeks out, and it’s those kinds of voters that could say: ‘Wait, hold on a minute, this is a bridge too far — I may not be thrilled about Joe Biden, but we need to have free and fair elections in this country,” he continued, before adding that people ‘who either fled authoritarian regimes or are the children and grandchildren of those people’ are ‘very sensitive’ to hints of authoritarianism because many of them — including him — had relatives imprisoned arbitrarily.”