“NBCUniversal Media, LLC, doing business as NBCUniversal News Group (‘NBCU News Group’), respectfully submits this application under Local Criminal Rule 57.6 to request that this Court allow video and audio of the March 2024 trial of former President Donald J Trump, either by a pool camera shared by NBCU News Group and other news organizations, or through the Court’s own equipment.”
“Powerful First Amendment values and the extraordinary importance of these proceedings counsel strongly for this Court to exercise its discretion to authorize the public dissemination of the audiovisual record of these proceedings either in real time or at most with the limited delay necessary for the Court to assess whether significant public interests require the extraordinary relief of withholding any portion of these proceedings from the public. NBCU News Group respectfully requests an oral hearing on this application,” write lawyers for NBC News in the motion.
It’s long and filled with a shit-ton of citations. Probably cost a lot of billable hours. We have no idea if it’s going to work or not but evidently NBC thinks it’s worth a shot.