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- Joe Biden has shown remarkable restraint. All these new presidential powers and immunities bestowed by the Supreme Court and his political opponents still walk
- How morally corrupted have Republicans become under the GOP? At his behest, the Republican platform will not include, for the first time in nearly half a century, a mandate for a national abortion ban or limit. It now says the GOP supports “leaving the decision to the states.” It’s the Trump Doctrine of abdicating leadership.
- Please, Republicans, go after Kamala Harris, a former Senator and state Attorney General. Unleash your base with your attack ads. Show everyone what you think about a woman of color. Let your Base show the nation who you serve.
- The media focused on Biden accidentally flubbing Zelenskyy’s introduction but failed to recall when Trump intentionally said he believed Putin over US intelligence agencies. The latter is a far bigger sign of both mental instability and disqualification than the former.
- The flawed and right-leaning RealClearPolitics average of cherrypicked polls shows Joe Biden lost less than one percentage point in the average since the debate when excluding RCP’s preferred outliers. Calm down, bedwetters.
- Barron Trump has entered the fray. Next step: guest-hosting his half-bro’s podcast.
- Days before the start of the convention and Trump hasn’t made his VP pick yet. I hear it’s a neck-and-neck contest.
- The 8,000 figures in China’s terra cotta army were individually fashioned, giving each its own personality. They, and thousands of other figures of musicians, city officials, and animals sat undisturbed for 2,000 years until farmers literally dug some up in 1974. And it was all designed, planned, and built over 37 years. Permitting was much easier then.
- One of the “fun” lingering effects of my long-Covid is having senses of smell and taste that can turn on and off like a light switch by themselves. And sometimes they can very focused. I opened our pantry and of all the teas, spices, chips and other things in there, the one thing I could smell was the ¾ tablespoon of ground cloves in a spice jar at the back.
- No animals were killed in the writing of Gretchen Whitmer’s bio. Hear that, South Dakota?
- Biden’s old, I get it. But the Olympics and the Oval Office are two different things. He doesn’t have to be Tom Cruise jumping onto buildings or out of airplanes. He needs to make the right decisions, and unlike his opponent, he has.
- The words “negligible” and “buses” never look right written.
- There is not a pre-nup in the world generous enough to compensate Melania Trump for the humiliation she should feel on the national stage at the RNC. Note the word “should.” She knew what she signed up for.
- Joe Biden stole the Trump/Shark Week joke that would’ve appeared here. I’m now an Undecided voter. I need Jim Jordan to hold a committee hearing immediately.
- Tom Cruise is just a completely ridiculous character, by the way.
- Cheesecakes need to be bend-a-plastic-fork dense, not fluffy. If you can see big bubbles in your cheesecake, it was made wrong. Virtually any fruit or sweet syrup works as a topping–bare is good too–but for nostalgia’s sake, I’ll take cherry, thank you.
- The Dow closed above 40,000, and indications point to continuing growth into next week allowing it to stay there long-term. Obviously more bad news for Joe Biden.