Republican South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham says conservativism faces existential threats because of mail-in voting and social media, but doesn’t mention how Trumpism destroyed conservative principles much earlier.
“There’s two threats to conservatism: mass mail-in voting unverified and social media unregulated, unable to be sued when they take down the content of conservatives,” Graham whined on Sean Hannity’s newish hour.
Graham did not mention that since lame duck president Donald Trump entered politics as a Republican (after a failed Reform Party campaign), the traditional causes of conversatism have taken a back seat to the coddling of Trump. While conservatives say they’re for small government, “law and order,” and financial responsibility, Trump has pushed Republicans to violate their own principles to preserve his political life.
Republicans have long wanted reduced voting rights in the United States, pushing to disenfranchise millions of Americans. Statistically, when more Americans vote, Republicans lose.