MAGA Twitter is going nuts with two “BIG” reveals, so expect the basement crowd to be giddy over Trump declassifying “Obamagate” documents and James O’Keefe with Jack Dorsey caught on tape with something something about censorship or whatever the fuck they’re crying about these days.
What’s unclear is how any of this helps them at this point. Trump lost and will be out of office in less than six days from now. These kind of EXPLOSIVE ALLEGATIONS are really only useful when they have the potential to cause an impact on an election. I fail to see what this is going to do to Jack Dorsey or Barack Obama/Joe Biden, especially when it’ll be at least two years before any time-wasting Republican-led Congressional hearings will happen.
Maybe it’s that mindset that they can’t get out of. Four years of looking at every news article through the lens of how it can be spun as a reason to vote for Trump can’t be easy to switch off, especially when you have the emotional maturity level of an eight year old Power Rangers fan – or a fan of some other show with zero moral complexity and the good guys always win at the end of every episode, which I guess would fairly accurately describe most Fox News programming.