“Over the past two weeks, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents have seized at least three batches of counterfeit COVID-19 vaccination cards that were being shipped to New Orleans. The blank cards, created to mimic those provided by the Centers for Disease Control, were seized at the port of Memphis between Aug. 4 and Aug. 10 after being sent from Shenzhen, China, according to U.S. Customs spokesperson Matthew Dyman. The phonies, on their face, look remarkably similar to the CDC vaccine cards, with spaces for the recipient’s name, personal information, vaccine maker and lot number. They even have the CDC logo in the right corner. But Customs officials described them as ‘low-quality.’ ‘There were typos, unfinished words and some of the Spanish verbiage on the back was misspelled,’ Dyman said” – New Orleans Times-Picayune.