“Wisconsin election officials may not be able to adopt formal rules on ballot drop boxes and correcting absentee ballot paperwork because of partisan differences. Legislative auditors last month told the Wisconsin Elections Commission it needs to adopt rules that the Legislature can review on those issues. But the evenly divided commission may not be able to reach a deal on them. Adopting such rules could be difficult because the commission is split 3-3 and the two parties may disagree on the details of any rules. Even if the commissioners agree on the substance of the policies, Democrats may be reluctant to adopt them as administrative rules because Republicans who control the Legislature have the power to reject any such rules they write.”
“The commission in 2016 set a policy backed by Republicans that says local officials can fill in missing addresses for witnesses on absentee ballot envelopes. In many cases, clerks say only parts of addresses are missing, such as the city or ZIP code. Some Republicans turned against the policy after Trump’s loss and argued clerks should not count absentee ballots if parts of the witness addresses were missing on the ballot envelopes” the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports.
You really have to marvel at how fucking petty and stupid this is. Do they even have numbers on how many absentee ballots were missing witness address information and needed curing? Do they have any idea how many of those went to which candidate? Or are they just hoping that if they simply work in general to make voting harder that Trump won’t turn his wrath on them?