Tim Tebow: “I’ll never forget the day my dad called me from overseas and told me he had just purchased four young girls. I was in my mid-20’s at the time and completely unaware such a transaction was even possible. Surely I had misunderstood him. People buy groceries. Shoes. Annual passes to Disney World. They don’t buy other people. But I had heard him correctly. My dad had opened up his wallet and bought as many girls as he could with the cash he had on hand. It was a split-second decision.”
“At that point in time, there was no safe home to take the girls to. So we built one. There’s a saying that evil triumphs when good men do nothing. My dad was not going to be the man who did nothing. Had he just stood there silently, who knows where these girls would have been taken and what would have been done to them. Had we not stepped in to build a safe home, who knows where these girls would be now. Honestly, we weren’t prepared. We never saw that moment coming. But over the years, that single moment in time – a moment where one man took a stand for what was right – was the beginning of a ripple effect still in motion today. Years later, countless more human trafficking victims have been rescued around the world, even right here in the states, because of the mission that began that day.”