Pro-democracy lawyer Marc Elias’s string of courtroom victories against GOP gerrymandering is frustrating the absolute shit out of National Republican Congressional Committee Tom Emmer, the Washington Examiner reports. “They’ve violated their own law. And by the way, this bottom feeder Mark Elias keeps filing suits everywhere. I hope people start writing about the fact that he does many of those lawsuits just to raise money. They’re just fundraising mechanisms. And if you want to talk about lawsuits, take a look at what just happened in Maryland, where the Supreme Court of Maryland said unabashedly that Democrats unconstitutionally gerrymandered the districts in their favor and therefore threw the map out last week,” shrieked Emmer, as if personally profiting off a political party’s operations is only a bad thing when it’s a Jewish Democrat doing it.
Actually that’s probably what it is. Since Elias is Jewish and knows how to work the courts to make the electoral playing field more even for Democrats, he’s basically the next Soros to Republicans needing a tenacious tribesman to blame for their failures. Ten years from now, on whatever mainstream media websites that still allow comments it’ll be “MARC ELIAS… DRINK!” or “I hate that dirty elite upscale liberal globalist who controls the media. Look at his shiny golden metal thing with nine candles on it and his little liberal dome hat going to his special church with the Sheriff’s star on the glass. That guy’s just like Marc Elias…” and then “Oh BTW we’re so pro-Israel.”