So there’s these two situations going on at factories not really that far apart from each other: One in Pennsylvania where two workers were rescued from a vat of chocolate at a Mars-Wrigley Factory, inviting plenty of jokes about the fat German kid from the Willy Wonka movie and old commercial slogans from M&Ms, Milky Way, Twix etc. Bet we’d get lots of Snickers with those!
The other one is an active shooter situation 60 miles away at a machine factory in Smithburg, Maryland with some sick fuck killing at least three people and wounding four others. It’s pretty tough to make an Oompa Loompa joke in there when there are families who would give anything to see their loved ones covered in chocolate if it meant they were still alive.
Well looks like we already reported both here. All the potential for levity about a chocolate factory mishap literally shot down because some asshole went postal in a different factory. Thanks NRA!