“Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem is running for Secretary of State, and he is the kind of fighter we need to turn Arizona and our Country around. Mark is tough, strong, and he loves his State. His opponent, Michelle Ugenti-Rita, is a weak ‘Never Trumper’ RINO, and friends with all the Radical Left Democrats. She doesn’t make a move without them, and their sole purpose is to stop Mark Finchem because they know he is the only candidate who will put an end to the Weak Border and Massive Voter Fraud. He will bring Integrity back to our Elections. Vote for Mark Finchem on August 2, he has my Complete and Total Endorsement – he will not let you down!” says demented former President Trump, evidently forgetting he already officially endorsed piece of shit insurrectionist Arizona state Senator Mark Finchem on September 13th, 2021.