Some bloody bogan living in the bush far out southeast of Perth was keepin a wild kango in a cage on his property and the fuckin cunt done kicked him to death, the Associated Press reports. The jacks come and they’d no choice, they had to blast the kango since it developed what them animal experts and croc huntas call a “predatory instinct” towards bogans who ain’t too sharp.
They’s a lot of bogans like that out in the bush. Most of em bout as sharp as a kolly’s ears. Bloody wankers got to worry about crocs and dingos enough, the last thing they need is fuckin killeh kangos stompin on them for they jollys on a Saturday night. Hell of a unique situation, the first time a bogan got killed by a kanga since back in 1936. Imagine he feelin a little sheepie when Saint Peter askin him how’e ended up with a fuckin kango claw marks right down’is guts. Bet Saint Pete got a good chuckle from that and from the kango with a bullet in his kisser.