
Jury finds former Colorado county election clerk Tina Peters guilty of multiple felonies for her role in breaching voting systems

Tina Peters, a former Mesa County, Colorado County Clerk, was found guilty of four felonies and three misdemeanors for her role in giving an associate of ripped foam magnate Mike Lindell access to county election systems after the 2020 election, the Colorado Sun reports.  It’s the first completed prosecution of a local election official relating to the 2020 election conspiracies.

Peters arranged for Conan Hayes, a Lindell associate, to get access to Dominion Voting Systems machines and software updates, letting him make copies of hard drive data that was later posted online.  Hayes used a stolen ID from a local man, Gerald Wood, to gain access to the system; when coworkers questioned Peters about Hayes’ presence in the office, Peters vouched for “Wood” and said he was an employee who had had a background check.


Tina Peters accomplice gets 30 days in cooperation plea deal

A Colorado judge on Wednesday sentenced former Mesa County Elections Manager Sandra Brown to 30 days in jail and two years of probation for her role in QAnon freak former Clerk Tina Peters’s insane plan to tamper with Dominion equipment to “expose” the platform’s supposed vulnerability to hacking that cost disgraced former President Trump the 2020 election, KKCO reports.

Brown’s plea agreement requires her to testify against Peters in the plot with the judge warning her the lenient sentence can be pulled at any time if he doesn’t think she’s cooperating enough. Peters famously implicated herself when she leaked video of her personally-issued password to Mesa’s election data server, finding no proof and causing a decertification of the machines that ended up costing the county’s taxpayers millions to purchase new ballot tabulators from Dominion.

In other news it’s 2023 and we’re still regularly reporting on people under criminal investigation, going to jail, losing millions of dollars, or getting fired from their jobs because they either believed or at least pretended to believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, with no end in sight.


Tina Peters loses Colorado GOP chair race

QAnon freak former Mesa County Colorado clerk Tina Peters, who currently faces a 13 count indictment for tampering with Dominion Voting Systems tabulators, lost her race Saturday for Colorado State GOP chair to former state Representative Dave Williams, the asshole who sued the Secretary of State when she refused to list him as “Dave ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Williams” on the ballot for a US House primary he lost last year, the AP reports. Peters got less than 10 percent of the vote.


Tina Peters convicted on one of two obstruction charges

Former Mesa County, Colorado county clerk Tina Peters was convicted on one charge of obstructing government operations but acquitted on a second charge of obstructing a police officer, an outcome that could land her in jail, Colorado Public Radio reports.

Peters was convicted of using her iPad to illegally record a court session in the trial of a former aide.  She was acquitted of a charge brought when she struggled with an officer who tried to confiscate the device.  She faces up to three months in jail and a $750 fine; her sentence will be in April.

Peters is facing additional felony charges for allegedly stealing confidential data from voting machines in her county and providing that information to an effort back by ripped foam salesman and guy who just wants his Arby’s Half Pound Beef ‘n’ Cheddar Mike Lindell.


MAGA-QAnon freak Tina Peters running for Colorado GOP chair

MAGA-QAnon freak Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters – currently awaiting trial on a 13 count indictment for tampering with Dominion Voting Systems equipment – this week announced her candidacy for chair of the Colorado GOP after her failed 2022 Secretary of State primary bid.

Some National Zero readers may not be familiar with Peters as it’s been a while since we covered her, but cover her we did. Extensively, over the last two years. So much so that’s extremely difficult to quickly summarize her batshittery, so we suggest simply checking out the search result for her name here on this site if you need to get caught up. If she prevails, Peters would be the second 2020 election QAnon conspiracy freak who lost a 2022 Secretary of State race to then state GOP chairship after Michigan psychopath Kristina Karamo won last weekend.


MAGA clerk Tina Peters asked local GOP to rig primary for her

In yet another reports on the bottomless hypocrisy of Republicans, the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel reports Mesa County, Colorado GOP Chairman Kevin McCarney last week said that County Clerk Tina Peters, who is currently under a 13 count indictment for tampering with Dominion Voting Systems equipment in a moronic attempted to prove they were vulnerable to hacking, had last year asked McCarney to make sure there were no Republican primary challengers for her current office, even as she ran an ultimately failed primary bid for Colorado Secretary of State.

The Daily Sentinel’s article is maddeningly short on specifics, such as the context in which McCarney shared this conversation, if anyone else was actually trying to run, and if there’s any sort of rule with the state or county GOP that would have been broken by allowing Peters to run in two separate primary elections at once – or even if the Mesa County Clerk primary was on the same say as the Colorado Secretary of State primary. It’s not clear why it’s so short, but maybe they’re just sick of covering that crazy asshole and want her to go to prison already.


Surprise! Recount confirms MAGA County Clerk Tina Peters lost Colorado Republican Secretary of State primary election

WOW! A statewide recount costing $256,000 has confirmed that Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters – currently awaiting trial on a 13 count indictment for tampering with Dominion Voting Systems equipment – still loses the Republican Secretary of State primary election by roughly 88,000 votes, the Denver Post reports. The retabulation found a total of four more votes for Peters, but seven more for the winner Pam Anderson, meaning Peters pissed away over a quarter of million dollars to lose by a net total of three more votes. It’s bad, but still not nearly as embarrassing as in 2020 when Trump paid more than $3 million of his fans’ donations to recount two counties in Wisconsin resulting in a net gain of 87 votes for Biden. That was fucking hilarious.


Tina Peters pays for recount

QAnon asshole Mesa County, Colorado clerk, under a 13 count indictment for tampering with Dominion equipment has come up with the $256,000 fee for the recount in the Republican primary for Secretary of State which she lost on June 28th by more than 88,000 votes despite having earlier missed a deadline to make the payment, NBC News reports.

And yeah, Peters was allowed to bail herself out again after she turned herself in on her second arrest warrant. We have no idea what the fuck this judge was thinking.


MAGA Colorado clerk Tina Peters, GOP rep fail to pay for recounts

The Colorado Secretary of State’s office on Wednesday informed Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters and state Rep Ron Hanks that they won’t be conducting a recount in either the Republican Secretary of State or US Senate primaries the two lost, respectively, as both failed to come up with the $236,000 fee by July 15th to re-tabulate the votes in each contest, the AP reports.

Evidently none of their fans cared enough about a “rigged primary” enough to pitch in the cash needed to prove the primary was rigged. Very sad. Also actually kind of sad and we should have reported here earlier is that Peters’ arrest warrant was rescinded last Friday after one of Peters’ attorneys admitted he made a mistake and had not fully informed Peters she was no longer permitted to leave the state without express permission from the court. Which kind of sucks.


MAGA county clerk Tina Peters was caught because she had her request for a recount in her primary loss notarized in Nevada

QAnon conspiracy freak Mesa County, Colorado clerk Tina Peters’ pretrial bond was revoked Thursday after a judge determined she had left the state without permission from the court. The first clear sign she had done so was her appearance at some far right Sheriff’s event in Las Vegas, however that might’ve flown under the radar by itself, since not everyone outside the MAGAverse pays attention to that kind of shit. The thing that really did her in however was that Peters on Tuesday submitted her request for a recount in the Republican Colorado Secretary of State primary election – which she lost on June 28th by more than 88,000 votes – into current Dem Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office with a Nevada notary stamp. Signed in the state of Nevada.

To Peters’ arch-nemesis, Jena Griswold, who has more than once filed both civil and criminal complaints against Peters. And the notary’s name is Laurince Lovelife. “You can’t make this shit up” kind of lost its impact over these last few years. But what else is there to say?


MAGA election conspiracy freak and Dominion hater Tina Peters loses Colorado Republican Secretary of State primary

QAnon freak Mesa County, Colorado clerk Tina Peters came in third in Tuesday’s Colorado Republican Secretary of State primary, one in which many, if not most, of the ballots were tabulated by equipment manufactured by her sworn enemy, Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems.

Like we could just be obnoxious here and make up some line like “Dominion employees may or may not have celebrated successfully rigging the election against Peters,” in our usual tedious way of fictionalizing elements of a story, but why bother when they’re probably celebrating her losing fair and square anyway? They should crack open a few Coors Heavy tall boys and savor the moment. And then get even more drunk in the likely event Peters is convicted of the 13 felonies she was indicted on for helping to steal and leak their tabulation software’s source code to Mike Lindell.


MAGA Colorado county clerk Tina Peters tells New York Times Lauren Boebert encouraged her to tamper with election equipment

QAnon freak Mesa County, Colorado clerk and Secretary of State candidate Tina Peters told the New York Times on Friday that high school dropout Congresswoman Lauren Boebert – whose Western Colorado district includes Mesa County and whose former campaign manager Sherronna Bishop is under federal investigation for the same crimes Peters and a deputy were indicted for back in March – had encouraged Peters “to go forward with the imaging” of Mesa County’s ballot tabulation machines to leak to MyPillow assclown Mike Lindell and his team of “cyber experts” for analysis to prove “hacking” of the 2020 election. What a fucking sentence.

Boebert’s staff quickly denied Peters’s claim to the Times. Though currently under a 13 count indictment for allowing some former pro surfer asshole wearing fake glasses to pass himself off as an “IT expert” (sent by QAnon freak former CEO Patrick Byrne, who also used to bang Russian spy Maria Butina) into county offices to make a copy of the software, Peters could win the Republican primary for Colorado Secretary of State on Tuesday. That’s another sentence.

In related news, Byrne was sued last week for defamation by former Dominion Voting Systems executive Eric Coomer, a plaintiff who’s kicked some serious ass in court against the Trump 2020 Campaign for similar claims, and whose process server hilariously nailed Mike Lindell at a rally for Peters in April. Coomer’s complaint quotes Byrne from a MAGA documentary, speaking about how in July 2020, Byrne had a premonition of a “rigged” election brought on by “a very dear friend of mine, a part Native American guy who was kind of a spiritual advisor showed up and told me that he needed me to meet some people involved in this movement studying election integrity, election fraud. He died the next day, oddly enough, in a plane crash.” Okay, we’re done. Enough of this shit.


MAGA Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters indicted over leaking Dominion machine info to QAnon freaks, Mike Lindell

“Yesterday evening, the Mesa County grand jury returned a 13-count indictment against Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters and Deputy Clerk Belinda Knisley related to an investigation into allegations of election equipment tampering and official misconduct. Peters is charged with three counts of attempting to influence a public servant (F4), one count of conspiracy to commit attempting to influence a public servant (F5), criminal impersonation (F6) , conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation (F6), identify theft (F4) , first-degree official misconduct (M2), violation of duty (M), and failing to comply with the secretary of state (M). Knisley is charged with three counts of attempting to influence a public servant (F4) , one count of conspiracy to commit attempting to influence a public servant (F5), violation of duty (M), and failing to comply with the secretary of state (M)” says a press release from the Mesa County, Colorado District Attorney’s office.

Peters, who will be held without bond when she is apprehended (probably owing to her being a flight risk after Lindell had her hidden in a “safe house” for an unknown period of time last year and/or that she’s already out on bail after being arrested for illegally recording a court hearing last month) made headlines last year after she was publicly identified by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office as almost certainly being the asshole who leaked a video of the election administrator interface for Dominion Voting Systems software in some batshit crusade to “prove” the 2020 election was stolen by malicious hackers who exploited non-existent internet access in the Dominion tabulation machines to switch Trump votes to Biden votes. The fucking sentences we have to write here sometimes. Oh, and she’s running for Colorado Secretary of State.


Colorado Secretary of State sues to have Q freak Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters removed from overseeing elections

“Colorado’s secretary of state filed a lawsuit Monday to remove the clerk of Mesa County from her role overseeing elections because the clerk is under criminal investigation for allegedly allowing a security breach of election equipment. Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat, filed the lawsuit in Mesa County District Court. Griswold can unilaterally require supervision of county elections, as she did in Mesa County earlier this month, but needs a judge’s order before taking the additional step of preventing county clerks from overseeing elections” the Denver Post reports.

“Monday’s lawsuit is the latest fallout from an alleged security breach at Mesa County’s election office. Griswold believes that Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters, a Republican, allowed an unauthorized man into a secure room in May. Images of the county’s election equipment passwords and hard drives were later posted online and presented at a conspiracy theorist conference that Peters attended. The alleged breach is under investigation by the FBI and the Mesa County District Attorney’s Office, with assistance from the Colorado Attorney General’s Office. Griswold’s office also investigated the matter and determined that Peters likely allowed the breach to occur May 25.”


MyPillow assclown tells Vice News he’s hiding Mesa County clerk Tina Peters in a safe house – while she’s under federal investigation

MyPillow assclown Mike Lindell told Vice News he’s hiding Mesa County, Colorado Clerk and certifiable QAnon shitbrain Tina Peters in a safe house Wednesday night while she’s under state and federal investigation for leaking Dominion Voting Equipment systems passwords to 8chan founder Ron Watkins. “She’s worried about her safety, these people are ruthless,” Lindell said to Vice of Dominion, which we guess means he thinks they sent an Antifa hit squad after Peters.

Now, we’re not lawyers, but this sure kind of sounds like Lindell is openly committing felony obstruction of justice and/or interfering with a federal investigation by facilitating Peters’ evading FBI agents if they are indeed seeking her for questioning. Vice wasn’t able to get an answer from the FBI if that is the case, but it’s not hard to imagine that they will be soon if they aren’t already.


This wasn’t a good month in MAGAmerica

Sunday afternoon marks 30 days since fat former President Trump was indicted in Manhattan on 34 felony counts of falsification of business records in connection to his hush money payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels just days before the 2016 election to cover up his 45 second sexual encounter with her that occurred at some point in 2006… while Melania had just given birth to their son, Barron.

Hilariously, their Orange Allah finally facing the justice system for the first time wasn’t even the worst thing that happened to MAGA this month. Follow us on a brief trip down recent memory lane:


Colorado county elections manager who helped Lindell-aligned conspiracy theorist access voting data pleads guilty

The second Mesa County, Colorado clerk who helped Mike Lindell-linked election conspiracy scandalmonger Tina Peters access the county’s election machines pleaded guilty to one felony and one misdemeanor count, the Colorado Sun reports.

Sandra Brown, previously the county’s election manager, pleaded guilty to one felony count of attempting to influence a public servant and one misdemeanor count of official misconduct in a plea agreement that will likely spare her from going to prison.  In exchange for the deal, Brown will testify against Peters, the county clerk who is charged with seven felony and three misdemeanor counts of election tampering and misconduct in office for allowing unauthorized people to access voting machines and data.

Torn foam magnate Mike Lindell reportedly perused data from Mesa County in at least one of his on-line symposia promoting the Big Lie.  When Lindell’s phone was confiscated at a Minnesota Arby’s drive-through, he said he believed it had to do with the Peters case.


FBI seizes “Sixth order polynomial” MAGA douchebag’s phone

FBI agents on Tuesday seized the phone of “Doctor” Doug Frank, an Ohio high school teacher who thinks his theory of a “sixth-order polynomial” or some sort of horseshit explains how the election was stolen from President Trump because it’s a super secret algorithm and…

…well it’s great to know this asshole is also under federal criminal investigation along with his buddy Mike Lindell for their tampering with election equipment in Colorado in a scheme that also involves founder Patrick Byrne and Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters.


Boebert campaign manager among those listed in Lindell subpoena for information on Colorado election meddling

CNN reports that the subpoena provided to torn foam magnate and conspiracy theorist Mike Lindell when the FBI seized his cell phone while he was at a drive-thru at a Hardee’s in Minnesota named seven people federal authorities were seeking information from relating to illegal access to election machines and data.  And one of the people on that list had their cell phone seized Thursday.

The Washington Post reports that one of the people on the list, Doug Frank, had his phone taken by federal investigators on Thursday.  A one-time math and science teacher in Ohio, Frank claims to have reconstructed algorithms used by Dominion Voting Systems to flip votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, thereby giving Biden the victory.  Computer scientists have scoffed at Frank’s claims, and no reputable researcher has been able to verify anything he claims.

The investigation seems to center on the efforts by people including Colorado election clerk Tina Peters, assisted by Belinda Knisley and Sandra Brown, members of her Mesa County election bureau staff who helped her provide confidential data to people trying to overturn the certified results of the 2020 presidential election in Colorado.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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