Claiming that his former head writer “was horrified by the story and… he resigned his job,” Tucker Carlson attempted to address the fact that his former head writer, Blake Neff, repeated posted racist, misogynistic and homophobic comments to a message board.
Carlson said that Neff’s comments “were wrong. We do not endorse those words, but they have no connection to the show,” ignoring the fact that Neff was a writer on the show for years who boasted that he wrote the first draft of anything Carlson read from the teleprompter.
“It is wrong to attack people for qualities they cannot control. In this country, we judge people for what they do, not how they were born,” Carlson claimed. “We’ll continue to defend that principle–often alone among national news programs, because it is essential.”
[We won’t get into the multiple times Carlson attacked people for being “dirty” or “making the country poorer” because they migrate from poor countries.]
“Blake fell short of that standard,” Carlson claimed, “and he has paid a very heavy price for it.
“But we should also point out, to the ghouls who are now beating their chest in triumph of the destruction of a young man,” Carlson said hyperbolically, “that self-righteousness also has its costs. We are all human. When we pretend we are holy, we are lying.”