National Zero reader Wok Your Dog submitted this lovely Thanksgiving wish to our President:
Donnie, 80 million Americans voted against you and you were defeated soundly, by one of the largest margins in a century and it’s not simply because you want to end immigration, your tariff policies, “America First” MAGA BS, or even your Orange hair.
The majority of Americans think you just don’t “get it,” that you are in way over your head, have no idea how to govern. You wanted the “job” of President so you could be the most powerful man in the world and you proved that you came into the position ill prepared, made terrible hiring decisions and fired anyone who disagreed with you.
I do not think you are inherently evil, or even a bad person, just a terrible President. Every policy you enacted, every Executive Order you signed had little to do with politics but everything to hold onto you voting base’s continued support, to satisfy their biases, xenophobia, racism, and selfishness. Many of your policies hurt businesses, cost Americans jobs, and damaged the economy, but China is Evil, Defund the UN, NATO, and quit the WHO, the Paris Accords, the Iran deal, and TPP reads well for the Red Hat wearing, generally hard working but dissatisfied working class non urban population.
And then there is your COVID 19 response. It’s not the “Wuhan Flu” or “China Virus,” it called SARS-Covid2, which explains exactly what kind of virus it, in is the second SARS type coronavirus known to affect humans. Calling it by where it was first discovered doesn’t just assign (often incorrectly) blame, but feeds into your bases xenophobia. Referring to COVID-19 as a “flu” and influenza is a H×N× virus and not a corona virus only confuses people, makes them underestimate the virus’s (and it’s nothing like a cold which is a coronavirus) rate of infection, lethality, ease of close contact transmission was a disservice to not just America, but to all of humanity.
Donnie, your utter failure of leadership cot the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans and will kill many thousands of more after you leave office. I understand your hands off, leave it to the states’ policy. You wanted to do nothing that could erode your base in an election year but that policy is what defeated you. Eighty million Americans voted AGAINST you because during the greatest health threat to hit America in a century, you did nothing except undermined the leaders of the states that were active and even encouraged acts of violence and political insurrection against governors. If you would have listened to the men and women on the room who were smarter than you and especially if you didn’t fire those who disagreed with you and replace them with “yes men and women” all Americans would be sharing Thanksgiving in fellowship with their extended families and you would still have a job January 21st.
On this Thanksgiving, I am grateful that Trump will be spending January 21st with is family in his home, not the People’s House.