HOLY SHIT! A military veteran who voted for former Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election before getting laid off from his job at the VA was quoted in an AP article about former service members being fucked over by the Trump Regime printed on Thursday.
Harris voter James Stancil, a 62-year-old Army vet who was fired last month from his job as a supply tech at a VA hospital in Milwaukee, told the AP getting canned felt like he’d been shot and dumped out of a helicopter. “And you just free fall and hit the ground – that’s it. I’m not dead weight. You’re tossing off the wrong stuff,” said Stancil, who incredibly did not do it to himself.
The very brief inversion of the genre lasted approximately three paragraphs. Stancil was the only one of five veterans fired from the VA identified in the article as a Harris voter. Two were Trump voters, one did not vote, and one other either did not tell the AP or they didn’t print it.
“I think a lot of other veterans voted the same way, and we have been betrayed,” said Trump voter Nate Hooven, who was fired from a Virginia clinic for veterans. “I feel like my life and the lives of so many like me, so many that have sacrificed so much for this country, are being destroyed. I’ve been blindsided. My life has been completely upended with zero chance to prepare. I was fired without notice, unjustly, based on a lie that I’m a subpar, poor performer at my job.” Other Trump voter Matthew Sims, who just moved his wife and three kids from Texas to Virginia to take a job at another VA clinic said he supports “downsizing, but it’s just the way they’re going about doing it. It’s like the chainsaw approach, I guess, versus the surgical approach that they should be doing.”
“It was blindsiding, because he said he wanted to make the country great again… but this is not making it great again,” said Michigan non-voter Cynthia Williams, canned from her VA dispatcher job.