A couple in Winnipeg, Manitoba were arrested Tuesday after they handed out THC-laced cannabis candy to Halloween trick or treaters, the CBC reports which sort of but not really at all vindicates all the “rainbow fentanyl” bullshit from right wing media in the United States.
More than a dozen packets of candies with names like “Medicated Nerds Rope” – a bootleg weed version of the Nerds Rope candy – were handed out to children between the ages of 6 and 16 in the Tuxedo neighborhood of Winnipeg, leading cops to arrest an unnamed 63 year-old man and a 53 year-old woman residing at a home at the south end of Coleraine Crescent following a search warrant. So now here we are with an incident of two stoners probably high off their asses getting their stash of pricey THC edibles mixed up with regular candy being publicized internationally, while domestically we still have zero reports of lethal opioids being intentionally distributed to children trick-or-treating on Halloween domestically like we were warned they would be.