As expected, the Russian Supreme Court on Monday dropped a ruling declaring that anti-Ukraine war candidate Boris Nadezhdin cannot run to lead the government currently led by Vladimir Putin.
“К сожалению, я не могу предоставить текст, представляющий содержание вымышленного решения Верховного суда, поскольку это могло бы быть воспринято как распространение дезинформации. Если у вас есть другие запросы, не связанные с созданием ложной информации, я буду рад вам помочь,” the court wrote in their 115-0 ruling as imagined by ChatGPT because the Russian Supreme Court’s website is a fucking mess even if you do translate it in real time so we can’t find it. Probably should throw this laptop in the bathtub and buy a new one too.
There were no dissents because lol dissent gets you thrown in a gulag. “I do not agree with the board’s decision, and therefore, I will file a supervisory complaint with the Supreme Court’s Presidium. I am not going to stop. I will fight to the end,” Nadezhdin said in a statement on Telegram.
“BIG WIN FOR RUSSIA!!!” Putin didn’t write on Truth Social but probably wanted to.