O, what a panic was in the breast of both man and mouse with dominion broken! Quaking and hapless cattle aflight, changing course with rattle and fright! Burns nor passenger foresaw such surprise, a wee creature scurried out of a boxed meal ‘fore her eyes! The best-laid schemes go oft awry, sometimes shit happens whilst confined in the sky, yet ne’er a mouse’ve scurried so high!
Anyway, yeah that’s what happened, per the BBC, who report that a Scandinavian Airlines flight from Oslo, Norway to Malaga, Spain was diverted to Copenhagen, Denmark on Wednesday when mouse jumped out of a passenger’s boxed meal and scurried away so hasty. The best laid plans and all.
The passengers had to get on a different plane because the company was worried that the little bastard could chew into the wires. “This is something that happens extremely rarely,” SAS spokesman Oystein Schmidt Schmidt said. “We have established procedures for such situations, which also include a review with our suppliers to ensure this does not happen again.” Note how he didn’t say “We’re going to fire these fucking assholes for letting a live mouse get into a boxed meal.”