Mediaite: “Rudy Giuliani exploded in a heated interview with Fox Business host Kennedy Tuesday night when she threw out a comparison between his actions and those of the author of the infamous Trump dossier. Kennedy opened her show by saying Biden ‘should explain himself to the American people’ on his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings because ‘we do have a right to know what he and his son were doing and how much they made doing it.'”
“As Kennedy questioned Giuliani about the circumstances of him obtaining and sharing this information, and Giuliani claimed there’s photos of underage girls on the computer, Kennedy said, ‘We will have the people in our news departments verify all of this, because it sounds like there may be something here that is fishy that is causing Americans — giving them pause, and now there’s stuff that might’ve been completely adulterated over the 18 months, and some could say that you were acting like Christopher Steele, that you were abstracting information because…’. The comparison to Steele, author of the infamous Trump dossier, really set Giuliani off. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. I was acting like Christopher Steele?!’ he said. ‘That’s what it sounds like,’ Kennedy said. ‘You better apologize for that,’ Giuliani fired back.”