“Canada doesn’t even allow US Banks to open or do business there. What’s that all about? Many such things, but it’s also a DRUG WAR, and hundreds of thousands of people have died in the US from drugs pouring through the Borders of Mexico and Canada. Just spoke to Justin Trudeau. Will be speaking to him again at 3:00 PM,” posted convicted felon President Trump on Monday.
Of course after 3 PM when Trudeau says he’ll either sign an order opening up the Canadian market to US banks or pledge to have parliament do so (if Trump is not delusional about this, because who knows) and sign off on extraditing a couple of token fentanyl traffickers, then Trump will say he’s not budging on tariffs because the Canadian government requires truckers to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Then it’ll be something about their schools not teaching enough about how dependent Canada is on the US economically or that the government has affirmative action policies in hiring.
And so on and so forth until a few weeks go by and everyone’s fucking pissed at Trump because this and that is more expensive, these businesses dependent on the Canadian market have been destroyed, then Trump will find some bullshit way to declare victory and end the tariffs. Nothing whatsoever will have been accomplished except for ruined lives and businesses, a frayed bilateral relationship, and Trump’s approval rating back to where it was in late 2019/early 2020.