The Taliban government in Afghanistan, which was created with the help of the defeated former guy and former Sycophant of State Mike Pompeo is facing an array of challenges including a nationwide famine, earthquakes and civil unrest. Afghans in cities are currently upset with how the group keeps trying to edge women out of any secular life, and Foreign Governments are refusing to grant international recognition of the Taliban regime. The group has responded by insisting that all girls will be back in school by Spring, but other countries are reluctant to trust the organization, given their ties to terrorism, and their apparent inability to control their own fighters.
Most Taliban fighters are socially and economically frustrated young men who are barely literate, and have no concept of what life is like outside their region. In that regard, they are very much like Trump supporters in the US.
Additional environmental stresses from an on-going drought and earthquakes in the countryside have made the situation even more difficult. International aid organizations are faced with a dilemma: how do you offer aid to a country where local tribal warlords are likely to steal all the aid, sell it on the black market, and use the proceeds to buy weapons and ammunition? How much effort should other countries put into trying to help the people of Afghanistan, when there is a well established pattern of that aid being met with resentment, conspiracy theories and name-calling?