The Trump policy of deporting DACA recipients and “Dreamers” was attacked by people directly impacted by family separation and the fears that brings.
An 11-year-old girl named Estella talked about her worries about her mother, who was an undocumented immigrant deported to Mexico, even though she was originally protected by the Obama Administration because her husband was a Marine and she had two children in the United States.
Lucy Sanchez–whose mother is undocumented and whose sister, a Dreamer who came to the US when she was less than one year old and has spina bifida–discussed the worries of families whose various immigration statuses lead to daily worry. Lucy’s sister would not survive if she did not get medical care here in the United States, she said, and her undocumented status makes her ineligible to get health insurance through the exchange.
The segment transitioned into a speech President Obama gave when he signed the Executive Order establishing DACA.